The first thing to do in an emergency or potential emergency is to call the Coast Guard.

In an emergency (life threatening) situation use VHF and channel 16 and call MAYDAY. If it's not life threatening but urgent, use VHF channel 16 and call PAN PAN.

VHF is preferable as the first call, as vessels of opportunity in your area will hear the call and can come to your assistance immediately. If you use 911 (or *16 or #727) any neighbouring boats will have no idea you need help until the Coast Guard makes a broadcast asking for vessels of opportunity to assist. This takes time, time that you may not have.

If your VHF radio has DSC it will have a red distress button and if your radio is connected to GPS it will give the Coast Guard your location.

It is important to call early as opposed to too late. Call the Coast Guard on VHF 16 to let them know you may have an issue. You can tell them all is fine for now but by calling them they will be able to monitor your situation. People have a tendency to want to wait because they don't think it is important enough or don't want to bother them. BOTHER them!

Follow these steps to issue a MAYDAY or PAN-PAN call:

MAYDAY Call: To issue a MAYDAY call on VHF Channel 16:

  1. Transmit "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY."

  2. Say "This is (name of boat three times)."

  3. Repeat once more "MAYDAY" and your boat's name.

  4. Report your location.

  5. Report the nature of your emergency.

  6. Report the kind of assistance needed.

  7. Report the number of people on board and the condition of anyone injured.

  8. Describe the boat and its seaworthiness.

  9. Wait for a response. If there is none, repeat the message

PAN PAN Call: To issue a PAN PAN call on VHF Channel 16:

  1. Transmit "PAN PAN, PAN PAN, PAN PAN."

  2. Say "This is (name of boat three times)."

  3. Report your location.

  4. Report the nature of your urgent situation.

  5. Report the kind of assistance needed.

  6. Report the number of people on board.

  7. Describe the boat and its seaworthiness.

  8. Wait for a response. If there is none, repeat the message

This card can be printed and kept handy near your VHF.