DBYC – 2025 Calendar of Events

January Wed. the 15th Potluck General Meeting
February Wed. the 26th Potluck General Meeting
March Wed. the 26th Potluck General Meeting

Sat. the 12th

Sat. the 12th

Wed. the 23rd

Clubhouse Cleanup

Boat Safety Inspection

Potluck General Meeting


Sat. the 3rd

Sat. & Sun. the 17th & 18th

Wed. the 28th

Commodore Sailpast

Comox Gov't Dock Shakedown Cruise

Last Potluck Gen. Mtg.

May - June

May 31st to
June 13th-ish

Desolation Sound Cruise
July & August

Every Wed.

Weekly Social Gathering
on the Docks

Sat. the 13th

15th to 22nd

Wed. the 24th

DBYC Welcomes CBSA participants in the round the island race. Dinner and Social at the club.

Fall Cruise — Location TBD

Potluck General Meeting

October Wed. the 29th Potluck General Meeting
November Wed. the 26th Potluck General Meeting

Sat. the 5th

Mon. the 16th

Holiday Celebration

Deck the Docks