DBYC members visiting other Yacht Clubs in the Northwest may be entitled to reciprocal mooring privileges. This usually includes complimentary moorage and access to Yacht Club facilities. This page lists the Yacht Clubs with which the DBYC has reciprocal agreements. DBYC members wishing to visit a reciprocal club are encouraged to check the club's website for the most current reciprocal terms and conditions. Links for each club are provided below.

Members may also contact the DBYC Fleet Captain-Cruising regarding reciprocal mooring privileges.
Visitors to Deep Bay can go to our Visitor Information page for information on reciprocal mooring privileges.
NOTE to Members: If you are going to be on a cruise away from Deep Bay for 2 days or longer, you are reminded to either notify the Marina Wharfinger, Doug Curtis, at (250) 792-0867 or post on the bulletin board at the Marina office. Include your slip number and expected return date. This allows your slip to be used by visiting boaters.
DBYC members using reciprocal moorage must fly the DBYC club burgee and present a current membership card when registering. For maps and further detailed information for these clubs, see the reciprocal book in the LCMC.
Yacht Destinations provides links and details for most yacht clubs in the Pacific Northwest. If you open an account (no charge) with Yacht Destinations, you can see a list of most of our Reciprocal Clubs and the most current reciprocal moorage information for each club. For a more detailed list see Alphabetical Listing with Descriptions.